With our EUROSTORE package, your company can easily and affordably do business in the West-African Region. We have a logistic site in both Ghana and Senegal and provide a total packaged service (offices, depots, housing for expats, …) for European companies who want to use our sites for their commercial activities in Ghana or Senegal.

The idea is based on creation of an Eurozone in Ghana and Senegal where sole European companies can work together to do business in the said countries and its surrounding areas by exchanging their specialties as well as willing to invest in West-Africa.

In addition, we also offer a legal and financial assistance packaged service in Ghana and Senegal making business in West-Africa easier and affordable.


EUROSTORE provides various companies with office, shop and or storage space solutions in West-Africa (Ghana and Senegal) that fit the company’s unique needs. We offer a wide variety of modules for all your commercial needs.

EA Store Basic Module

Basic Module

2 containers unit with a total surface of ± 60 square meters Restroom and kitchenette are available.

More info (to follow)
EA Store L Module

L Module

3 containers unit with a total surface of ± 90 square meters Restroom and kitchenette are available.

More info (to follow)
EA Store Cube Module

Cube Module

4 containers unit with a total surface of ± 120 square meters. Restroom and kitchenette are available.

More info (to follow)

Where to find us?

Senegal site

Our site is located in Daker, Senegal,
close to the new Blaise Diagne International Airport.

More info (to follow)

Ghana site

Our site is located in Accra, Ghana,
N1 Aflao road near Dawa.

More info

Contact us

We are a legal and a registered European private company, based in Brugge area (Belgium)